
Citations formats

Motamayor JC, Mockaitis K, Schmutz J, Haiminen N, Livingstone D, 3rd, Cornejo O, Findley SD, Zheng P, Utro F, Royaert S, Saski C, Jenkins J, Podicheti R, Zhao M, Scheffler BE, Stack JC, Feltus FA, Mustiga GM, Amores F, Phillips W, Marelli JP, May GD, Shapiro H, Ma J, Bustamante CD, Schnell RJ, Main D, Gilbert D, Parida L, Kuhn DN (2013)
The genome sequence of the most widely cultivated cacao type and its use to identify candidate genes regulating pod color
Genome Biol 14 :r53

Motamayor JC, Mockaitis K, Schmutz J, Haiminen N, Livingstone D, 3rd, Cornejo O, Findley SD, Zheng P, Utro F, Royaert S, Saski C, Jenkins J, Podicheti R, Zhao M, Scheffler BE, Stack JC, Feltus FA, Mustiga GM, Amores F, Phillips W, Marelli JP, May GD, Shapiro H, Ma J, Bustamante CD, Schnell RJ, Main D, Gilbert D, Parida L, Kuhn DN (2013)
Genome Biol 14 :r53