Killough_1952_Science_115_71 The treatment of amebiasis with fumagillin
Casier_1952_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_90_412 [Anticholinesteratic and pharmacological effects of the bromide of N-P-Chlorophenyl-methylcarbamate of M-Hydroxyphenyltrimethylammonium (NU 1250)]
Augustinsson_1952_Acta.Physiol.Scand_27_10 Protection of cholinesterases by procaine against inactivation by tabun in vitro
Earl_1952_Br.J.Pharmacol.Chemother_7_685 Cholinesterase levels in the nervous system in tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate poisoning
Koffler_1952_Science_116_123 Inactivation of circulin by lipase
Aldridge_1952_Biochem.J_52_663 The inhibition of erythrocyte cholinesterase by tri-esters of phosphoric acid. II. Diethyl p-nitrophenyl twophosphate (E605) and analogues
Aldridge_1952_Br.Med.J_1_945 Determination of cholinesterase activity in human blood
Aldridge_1952_Nature_169_345 Some problems in assessing the toxicity of the organophosphorus insecticides towards mammals
Augustinsson_1952_Nature_169_800 Acetylcholinesterase in thrombocytes
Grundfest_1952_Nature_169_190 Mode of blocking of axonal activity by curare and inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase
Korkes_1952_J.Biol.Chem_198_215 Coupling of acetyl donor systems with choline acetylase
Nachmansohn_1952_J.Cell.Physiol.Suppl_39_137 Nerve function and irradiation effects
Nachmansohn_1952_Bull.Soc.Chim.Biol.(Paris)_34_447 [Metabolism and function of the nerve cell.]
Nachmansohn_1952_Science_115_365 Otto Meyerhof: 1884-1951
Nachmansohn_1952_J.Biol.Chem_195_25 Choline acetylase. VI. Substitution of adenosinetriphosphate acetate by thiolacetate
Nachmansohn_1952_Rend.Ist.Sup.Sanit_15_1266 [Conduction of the nerve impulse and the synaptic transmission.]
Nachmansohn_1952_Ergeb.Physiol_47_vi [Published works of O. Meyerhof and his associates.]
Krnjevic_1952_J.Physiol_118_3P The perfusion of the frog sciatic nerve with electrolyte solutions
Braganca_1952_Nature_169_695 Action of snake venom on acetylcholine synthesis in brain
Feldberg_1952_Acta.Neuroveg.(Wien)_4_249 [The problem of acetylcholine\; different forms of neuromuscular and muscular block in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system]
Fatt_1952_J.Physiol_118_73 The effect of sodium ions on neuromuscular transmission
Fatt_1952_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_140_183 The electric activity of the motor end-plate
Fatt_1952_Cold.Spring.Harb.Symp.Quant.Biol_17_275 Some problems of neuro-muscular transmission
Fatt_1952_J.Physiol_117_109 Spontaneous subthreshold activity at motor nerve endings
von Euler_1952_Acta.Physiol.Lat.Am_2_101 Effect of acetylcholine, noradrenaline, adrenaline and histamine on isolated organs of Aplysia and Holothuria
Holmberg_1952_Acta.Psychiatr.Neurol.Scand.Suppl_80_135 Succinylcholine iodide (celocurin) as a muscular relaxant in electro-shock therapy
Holmberg_1952_Am.J.Psychiatry_108_842 Succinyl-choline-iodide as a muscular relaxant in electroshock therapy
Thesleff_1952_Anesth.Anal_9_35 Experimental and clinical investigations with celocurin (succinylcholine-iodide)
Thesleff_1952_Acta.Physiol.Scand_25_368 An investigation of succinyl-choline-iodide in man
Thesleff_1952_Acta.Physiol.Scand_25_348 An investigation of the muscle-relaxing action of succinyl-choline-iodide in man
Thesleff_1952_Acta.Physiol.Scand_26_103 The pharmacological properties of succinylcholine iodide\; with particular reference to its clinical use as a muscular relaxant
Thesleff_1952_Acta.Physiol.Scand.Suppl_27_1 Succinylcholine iodide: studies on its pharmacological properties and clinical use
Thesleff_1952_Br.J.Anaesth_24_238 Succinylcholine iodide\; a new muscular relaxant
Von Dardel_1952_Curr.Res.Anesth.Analg_31_250 Clinical experience with succinyl-choline-iodide, a new muscular relaxant
Von Dardel_1952_Acta.Chir.Scand_103_321 Succinylcholine iodide as a muscular relaxant\; a report of 500 surgical cases
Giachetti_1952_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_28_778 [Potassium ion, acetylcholine and stimulation of the dorsal nucleus of the vagus]
Donatelli_1952_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_90_332 The antiacetylcholine effects of chloroamphenicol
Fatt_1952_J.Physiol_118_47P The action of inhibitory nerve impulses on the surface membrane of crustacean muscle fibres
Huxley_1952_Nature_170_882 Extractability of the Lotmar-Picken material from dried muscle
Balfour_1952_J.Physiol_118_94 Mechanisms of acetylcholine synthesis
Bovet_1952_Schweiz.Med.Wochenschr_82_1009 [Succinyl choline and short acting muscle relaxants]
Lauener_1952_Helv.Physiol.Pharmacol.Acta_10_413 [Mechanism and pharmacodynamic modification of atropine-induced tachycardia in unanesthetized dog]
Jasinska_1952_Acta.Pol.Pharm_9_113 [Pharmacodynamic action of annotine and selagine]
Stewart_1952_Br.J.Pharmacol.Chemother_7_270 Accumulation of acetylcholine in brain and blood of animals poisoned with cholinesterase inhibitors
Bergmann_1952_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_8_520 Quaternary ammonium salts as inhibitors of acetylcholine esterase
Bergmann_1952_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_8_347 Quaternary ammonium salts as inhibitors of acetylcholine esterase. II. pH dependence of the inhibitory effects of quaternary ammonium salts, and the dissociation constant of the anionic site
Bergmann_1952_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_9_473 Quaternary ammonium salts as inhibitors of acetylcholine esterase. II. pH dependence of the inhibitory effects, and the dissociation constant of the anionic site
Hines_1952_Nature_170_78 Acetylcholine esterase of the white components of blood
Borgstrom_1952_Acta.Physiol.Scand_25_328 On the action of pancreatic lipase on triglycerides in vivo and in vitro
Aldridge_1952_Biochem.J_51_62 The inhibition of erythrocyte cholinesterase by tri-esters of phosphoric acid. 1. Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate (E600) and analogues
Dahlbom_1952_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_90_241 The ability of some phenothiazine derivatives to inhibit nicotine-induced tremors
Deichmann_1952_AMA.Arch.Ind.Hyg.Occup.Med_5_44 Effects of dimethyl and diethyl paranitrophenyl thiophosphate on experimental animals
Douglas_1952_J.Physiol_116_202 Acute tetraethylpyrophosphate poisoning in cats with its modification by atropine or hyoscine
Fournel_1952_Arch.Mal.Prof_13_160 [Therapy of experimental parathion intoxication]
Frawley_1952_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_105_156 A comparative pharmacological and toxicological study of organic phosphate anticholinesterase compounds
Funke_1952_C.R.Acad.Sci_7_762 Exaltation de l'activite anticholinesterasique des sels d'ammonium quaternaire des phenoxyalcanes par l'introduction des Groupements urethanes
Hamblin_1952_Ann.Int.Med_36_50 Phosphate ester poisoning, a new problem for the internist
Kunkel_1952_Fed.Proc_11_365 Studies on bis quaternary aliphatic compounds
Paton_1952_Pharmacol.Rev_4_219 The methonium compounds
Wilson_1952_J.Biol.Chem_199_113 Acetylcholinesterase. XIII. Reactivation of alkyl phosphate-inhibited enzyme
Evans_1952_Lancet_1_1229 Sensitivity to succinyl-choline in relation to serum-cholinesterase
Larsson_1952_Acta.Chem.Scand_6_1470 A spectrophotometric study in the infra-red of the hydrolyses of dimethyl amidoethoxyphosphoryl cyanide (tabun)
Eccles_1952_J.Physiol_117_196 Responses of isolated curarized ganglia
Evans_1952_Lancet_262_1229 Sensitivity to succinylcholine in relation to serum cholinesterase
Myers_1952_Arch.Biochem_37_469 Effect of salt on the hydrolyses of acetylcholine by cholinesterases
Smith_1952_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_105_391 Mode of action of antagoniste to curare
Tammelin_1952_Acta.Chem.Scand_6_1041 Cholinesterase activity determined with an electrometric method
Wilson_1952_J.Biol.Chem_197_215 Acetylcholinesterase. XII. Further studies of binding forces
Kavaler_1952_J.Comp.Neurol_96_113 Biochemical and physiological differentiation during morphogenesis. XV. Acetylcholinesterase activity of the motor cortex of the fetal guinea pig
Koelle_1952_Am.J.Ophthalmol_35_1580 Localization of specific cholinesterase in ocular tissues of the cat
Ord_1952_Biochem.J_51_245 Pseudo-cholinesterase activity in the central nervous system
Pope_1952_AMA.Arch.Neurol.Psychiatry_68_425 Architectonic distribution of acetylcholinesterase in the frontal isocortex of psychotic and nonpsychotic patients
Taxi_1952_J.Physiol.Paris_44_595 Action du formol sur l'activite de diverses preparations de cholinesterases
Thompson_1952_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_9_700 Cholinesterase activity and sodium transport in the human red cell
Wislocki_1952_J.Comp.Neurol_96_371 Vital staining of the hematoencephalic barrier by silver nitrate and trypan blue, and cytological comparisons of the neurohypophysis, pineal body, area postrema, intercolumnar tubercle and supraoptic crest