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De Robertis_1956_J.Biophys.Biochem.Cytol_2_307 Electron microscope observations on synaptic vesicles in synapses of the retinal rods and cones
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Thesleff_1956_Acta.Physiol.Scand_37_330 A further analysis of the neuromuscular block caused by acetylcholine
Eccles_1956_J.Physiol_131_154 Pharmacological investigations on a central synapse operated by acetylcholine
Eccles_1956_J.Neurophysiol_19_75 Central pathway for direct inhibitory action of impulses in largest afferent nerve fibres to muscle
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Hebb_1956_J.Physiol_133_566 Choline acetylase in the developing nervous system of the rabbit and guinea-pig
Hebb_1956_J.Physiol_134_718 Choline acetylase in the central nervous system of man and some other mammals
Hebb_1956_J.Physiol_134_385 Intracellular distribution of choline acetylase
Hebb_1956_Nature_178_365 Intracellular distribution of choline acetylase
Hebb_1956_J.Physiol_132_667 Choline acetylase in antero- and retro-grade degeneration of a cholinergic nerve
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Bergstrom_1956_Annu.Rev.Biochem_25_177 Metabolism of lipides
Kalow_1956_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_116_418 The interaction between cholinesterases and a series of local anesthetics
Adie_1956_Can.J.Biochem.Physiol_34_654 The effect of the sarinase levels of liver on the survival of rabbits injected with sarin
Adie_1956_Can.J.Biochem.Physiol_34_1091 The purification of sarinase from bovine plasma
Askew_1956_Br.J.Pharmacol.Chemother_11_42 The nature of the toxicity of 2-oxo-oximes
Askew_1956_Br.J.Pharmacol_11_417 Oximes and hydroxamic acids as antidotes in anticholinesterase poisoning
Bagdon_1956_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_108_27 Toxicity and pharmacologie effects of dimethyl-carbamyl diethylthiocarbamyl sultide (DDS) in mammals
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Daly_1956_J.Physiol_133_475 The effects of anticholinesterases upon peripheral vascular resistance in the dog
Davies_1956_Biochem.J_63_520 The kinetics of reactivation by oximes of cholinesterase inhibited by organophosphorus compounds
Dubois_1956_AMA.Arch.Ind.Health_13_606 Toxicity and mechanism of action of some metabolites of Systox
Durante_1956_Experientia_12_307 Cholinesterase in the development of the ascidian, Ciona intestinales
Durham_1956_AMA.Arch.Ind.Health_13_326 Paralytic and related effects of certain organic phosphorus compounds
Einsel_1956_Anal.Chem_28_408 Self-equilibrating method for determination of acid production rates
Epstein_1956_J.Am.Chem.Soc_78_341 Kinetics of the reaction of isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate with catechols at 25deg
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Holland_1956_Am.J.Physiol_187_501 Effects of diazonium salts on erythrocyte fragility and cholinesterase activity
Holmes_1956_Trans.Am.Clin.Climat.Assoc_68_86 Observations on acute and multiple exposure to anticholinesterase agents
Koketsu_1956_Am.J.Physiol_186_278 Effect of sodium fluoride on nerve-muscle transmission
Krivoy_1956_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_116_220 Adaptation to constant concentrations of acetylcholine
Kubistova_1956_Experientia_12_233 Parathion metabolism in rat liver and kidney slices
Kunkel_1956_Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med_92_519 Antagonists to neuromuscular block produced by sarin
Loomis_1956_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_118_123 The effect of an aldoxime on acute sarin poisoning
Majcen_1956_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_108_232 Functional role of cholinesterases in tissues with nicotinic and muscarinic actions of acetylcholine
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Steinberg_1956_J.Org.Chem_21_660 N-hydroxy aryl carbamates. A class of hydroxamc acids which form stable phosphorylated and sulfated derivatives
Fallscheer_1956_J.Assoc.Agr.Chem_39_691 Studies on the conversion of some thionophosphates and a dithiophosphate to in vitro cholinesterase inhibitors
Fleisher_1956_AMA.Arch.Ind.Health_14_510 Visual method for estimating blood cholinesterase activity
Foldes_1956_Anesthesiology_17_559 Comparison of the respiratory effects of suxamethonium and suxethonium in man
Friess_1956_J.Am.Chem.Soc_78_966 The acetylcholinesterase surface. V. Some new competitive inhibitors of moderate strength
Friess_1956_J.Am.Chem.Soc_78_2482 The acetylcholinesterase surface. VI. Further studies with cyclic isomers as inhibitors and substrates
Hobbiger_1956_Br.J.Pharmacol_11_295 Chemical reactivation of phosphorylated human and bovine true cholinesterase
Jandorf_1956_J.Agric.Food.Chem_4_853 Mode of action of pesticides. Mechanism of reaction of di-n-propyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDP) with esterases
Kalow_1956_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_116_34 Abnormal behavior of human serum cholinesterase
Lehmann_1956_Lancet_11_124 The familial incidence of low pseudocholinesterase level
Kalow_1956_Can.J.Biochem_34_637 Kinetic studies on the hydrolyses of benzoylcholine by human serum cholinesterase
Malmstrom_1956_Acta.Chem.Scand_10_1077 Chromatography of human serum cholinesterase
Serlin_1956_J.Biol.Chem_233_727 The size and shape of the radiosensitive acetylcholinesterase unit
Shukuya_1956_J.Biochem_43_315 Kinetics of the human blood cholinesterase. V. The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and cholinesterase by hydro en ion and tetraethylammonium bromide
Skou_1956_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_12_109 Local anesthetics. VII. Local anesthetic potency and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
Skou_1956_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_12_115 Local anesthetics. VIII. Potency and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in erythrocytes
Whittaker_1956_J.Biol.Chem_223_751 Specific reactions of dinitrofluorobenzene with active groups of chymotrypsin
Wilson_1956_J.Am.Chem.Soc_78_202 Acetylcholinesterase: enthalpies and entropies of activation
Zajicek_1956_Exp.CellRes_11_568 Quantitative determination of cholinesterase activity in individuel cells
Kahlson_1956_Acta.Physiol.Scand_37_159 The distribution of cholinesterases in cats and changes caused by hypophysectomy, adrenalectomy, under nutrition and DOCA
Koelle_1956_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_118_420 The cerebral distributions of a tertiary and a quaternary anticholinesterase agent following intravenous and intraventricular injection
Leplat_1956_Ann.Ocul.(Paris)_189_121 Localization de l'acetylcholinesterase, et des mediateurs diphenoliques dans la retine
Metcalf_1956_Ann.Entomol.Soc.Am_49_274 Aromatic esterase in insects
Pantin_1956_Pubbl.Staz.Zool.Napoli_28_171 The origin of the nervous system
Skramstad_1956_Acta.Physiol.Scand_36_383 Cholinesterases of mice in relation to sex and age
Smallman_1956_J.Cell.Comp.Physiol_48_197 Soluble and particulate cholinesterase in insects
Van der Kloot_1956_Nature_178_366 Cholinesterase and sodium transport in frog muscle
Wolfe_1956_J.Cell.Comp.Physiol_48_215 The properties of cholinesterase from insects
Zajicek_1956_Acta.Haematol_15_296 Studies on the histogenesis of blood platelets. II. Quantitative determination of acetylcholinesterase activity in single megakaryocytes from various mammals