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Cavanagh_1961_Br.J.Pharmacol.Chemother_17_21 Comparison of the functional effects of dyflos, tri-o-cresyl phosphate and tri-p-ethylphenyl phosphate in chickens
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Matzkowski_1961_Deutsch.Gesundhw_16_717 Zur Pharmakologie und Toxikologie organischer Phosphorsureester
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Moller_1961_Ugeskr.Laeger_123_501 Behandlingen af den akute Fosfostigmin-Forgiftning
O'Leary_1961_Biochem.Pharmacol_8_119 Oxime-atropine therapy of anticholinesterase poisoning
O'Leary_1961_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_132_50 Efficacy and limitations of oxime-atropine treatment of organophosphorus anticholinesterase poisoning
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Schaumann_1961_Arch.Biochem.Biophys_93_563 Cholinesterase activity in vitro and in vivo after poisoning with anticholinesterase agents
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Friess_1961_Arch.Biochem.Biophys_95_85 Studies on blockade of single nodes of Ranvier and of the acetylcholinesterase system by cyclic aromatic esters. II
Gilbert_1961_Arch.Biochem.Biophys_93_469 Hydroxamic acids: relationship between structure and ability to reactivate phosphonate-inhibited acetylcholinesterase
Heath_1961_Biochem.Pharmacol_6_244 The toxic action of some phosphorus anticholinesterases with cationic groups
Hobbiger_1961_Proc.Roy.Soc.Med_54_403 The inhibition of organophosphorus compounds and its reversal
Holmstedt_1961_Bibliotheca.Anat_2_1 Some principles about histochemistry of cholinesterase with special reference to the thiocholine method
Jensen-Holm_1961_Acta.Pharmac.Toxicol_18_379 The cholinesterase activity, alone and in the presence of inhibitors, at low substrats concentrations
Kienhuis_1961_Rec.Trav.Chim.Pays-Bas_86_1278 Peptide derivatives related to the active site of some hydrolytic enzymes. I. Synthesis of tetrapeptide ethyl esters containing glutamic acid and serine
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Krupka_1961_J.Am.Chem.Soc_83_1445 Molecular mechanisms for hydrolytic enzyme action. I. Apparent non-competitive inhibition, with special reference to acetylcholinesterase. II. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by excess substrats. III. A general mechanism for the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. IV. The structure of the active center and the reaction mechanism
Latki_1961_Naunyn.Schmiedebergs.Arch.Exp.Pathol.Pharmakol_240_514 Hemmung und Reaktivierung von Cholinesterasen nach der Vergiftung mit Paraoxon und DFP in Vitro
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Schwarzacher_1961_Bibliotheca.Anat_2_220 Acetylcholinesterase in mammalian myotendinous jonctions
Shute_1961_Bibliotheca.Anat_2_34 The use of cholinesterase techniques combined with operative procedures to follow nervous pathways in the brain
Smith_1961_J.Ultrastruct.Res_5_523 Structure of the nerve endings on the external hair cells of the guinea pig cochlea as studied by serial sections
Snell_1961_Bibliotheca.Anat_2_50 The histochemical localisation of cholinesterase in the central nervous system
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