

Terms of use

The information available on INRA servers is the property of INRA. INRA's permission is required for the partial or total copy of this information.

Users are responsible for the searches they carry out, as well as the interpretation and use they make of the results. Users are informed that their use of the results should not infringe on current legislation or the recommendations of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) with respect to personal data. Users are warned that the information must be used for strictly professional purposes only and downloading screen shots in order to constitute or enrich a database is contrary to French law and therefore forbidden, as is its use for commercial or advertising purposes (CNIL).

Third parties wishing to provide hyperlinks to pages or documents available on INRA servers must obtain prior authorisation from INRA; otherwise, the third party may be accused of copyright infringement, parasitism or defamation. Authorisation may be requested from the server administrator or the specific department in question. It will be granted as long as the links are not contrary to the interests of INRA and if the third party guarantees that it will be possible for the user to identify INRA as the origin of the document in the event of deep linking, framing or insertion via links.

Legal documents (available on the CNIL website)