

Title : [Toxicodynamic parameters of O-n-alkyl-S-(beta-ethylmercaptoethyl)-methylthiophosphonates and their methylsulfomethylates]. [Russian] -
Author(s) : Abduvakhabov AA , Avdeeva VL , Semenov IV , Smusin Ia S
Ref : Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii , 19 :365 , 1973
PubMedID: 4788285

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Abduvakhabov AA, Avdeeva VL, Semenov IV, Smusin Ia S (1973)
[Toxicodynamic parameters of O-n-alkyl-S-(beta-ethylmercaptoethyl)-methylthiophosphonates and their methylsulfomethylates]. [Russian]
Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 19 :365

Abduvakhabov AA, Avdeeva VL, Semenov IV, Smusin Ia S (1973)
Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 19 :365