

Title : [Histochemical study of the action in vitro of serotonin, of tryptamine and some of their derivatives on rat brain monoamine oxidases] -
Author(s) : Boucaud J , Bouchaud C , Couteaux R
Ref : Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences , 264 :775 , 1967
PubMedID: 4989210

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Boucaud J, Bouchaud C, Couteaux R (1967)
[Histochemical study of the action in vitro of serotonin, of tryptamine and some of their derivatives on rat brain monoamine oxidases]
Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences 264 :775

Boucaud J, Bouchaud C, Couteaux R (1967)
Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences 264 :775