

Title : The biosynthesis of liposidomycin-like A-90289 antibiotics featuring a new type of sulfotransferase -
Author(s) : Funabashi M , Baba S , Nonaka K , Hosobuchi M , Fujita Y , Shibata T , Van Lanen SG
Ref : Chembiochem , 11 :184 , 2010
PubMedID: 20043306
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9acto-d4qf31

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Gene_locus 9acto-d4qf31

Citations formats

Funabashi M, Baba S, Nonaka K, Hosobuchi M, Fujita Y, Shibata T, Van Lanen SG (2010)
The biosynthesis of liposidomycin-like A-90289 antibiotics featuring a new type of sulfotransferase
Chembiochem 11 :184

Funabashi M, Baba S, Nonaka K, Hosobuchi M, Fujita Y, Shibata T, Van Lanen SG (2010)
Chembiochem 11 :184