

Title : Identification and characterization of the niddamycin polyketide synthase genes from Streptomyces caelestis. -
Author(s) : Kakavas SJ , Katz L , Stassi D
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 179 :7515 , 1997
PubMedID: 9393718
Gene_locus related to this paper: strca-NIDA5

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Gene_locus strca-NIDA5

Citations formats

Kakavas SJ, Katz L, Stassi D (1997)
Identification and characterization of the niddamycin polyketide synthase genes from Streptomyces caelestis.
Journal of Bacteriology 179 :7515

Kakavas SJ, Katz L, Stassi D (1997)
Journal of Bacteriology 179 :7515