

Title : Biochemical investigation of cholinesterases and carboxylesterases from the cotton bollworm Heliothis armigera - Pantelic_2023_Environ.Technol.Innov_32_103316
Author(s) : Kulieva AM DN , Dalimov DN , Dorenskaya GM , Charieva OV , Rozengart VI , Kugusheva LI , Moralev SN , Babaev BN , Abduvakhabov AA
Ref : Chem Nat Compd , 30 :116 , 1994
Abstract : The interaction of the esterases of the cotton bollworm Heliothis armigera with a series of OO-dialkyl S-propargyl phosphorothioates has been studied. In contrast to human and murine ACEs, the hydrophobic regions of the active surfaces of the bollworm ACEs are very feebly expressed. At the same time, the hydrophobic regions in the areas of the esterase points are broader than those of murine CBEs and are adapted for the sorption of normal radicals. These compounds are selective inhibitors of CBEs and can be used as insecticide synergists.
ESTHER : Pantelic_2023_Environ.Technol.Innov_32_103316
PubMedSearch : Pantelic_2023_Environ.Technol.Innov_32_103316

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Kulieva AM DN, Dalimov DN, Dorenskaya GM, Charieva OV, Rozengart VI, Kugusheva LI, Moralev SN, Babaev BN, Abduvakhabov AA (1994)
Biochemical investigation of cholinesterases and carboxylesterases from the cotton bollworm Heliothis armigera
Chem Nat Compd 30 :116

Kulieva AM DN, Dalimov DN, Dorenskaya GM, Charieva OV, Rozengart VI, Kugusheva LI, Moralev SN, Babaev BN, Abduvakhabov AA (1994)
Chem Nat Compd 30 :116