

Title : [Effect of immunomodulators (IL-1 beta) on neuromuscular transmission] -
Author(s) : Malicevic Z , Kojic L , Cernak I , Jovanovic M , Stamenovic BA
Ref : Vojnosanit Pregl , 54 :17 , 1997
PubMedID: 9481946

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Malicevic Z, Kojic L, Cernak I, Jovanovic M, Stamenovic BA (1997)
[Effect of immunomodulators (IL-1 beta) on neuromuscular transmission]
Vojnosanit Pregl 54 :17

Malicevic Z, Kojic L, Cernak I, Jovanovic M, Stamenovic BA (1997)
Vojnosanit Pregl 54 :17