
Name : Structure of lipase B from Lasiodiplodia theobromae

Revelation date : 13-Oct-2021

Family : Canar_LipB

Gene_locus : 9pezi-a0a5n5dna6

PDB file : ESTHER: header of PDB entry RCSB: Full entry

Xue, B.,Zhang, H.F.,Nguyen, G.K.T.,Yew, W.S.

Ligand : Ligand in structure: Ligplot

References (1)

Title : A Novel Lipase from Lasiodiplodia theobromae Efficiently Hydrolyses C8-C10 Methyl Esters for the Preparation of Medium-Chain Triglycerides' Precursors - Ng_2021_Int.J.Mol.Sci_22_10339
Author(s) : Ng AMJ , Yang R , Zhang H , Xue B , Yew WS , Nguyen GKT
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 22 : , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ng_2021_Int.J.Mol.Sci_22_10339
PubMedID: 34638680
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a5n5dna6

Representative scheme of Prolylcarboxypeptidase structure and an image from PDBsum server


PDB-Sum : 7V6D Previously Class, Architecture, Topology and Homologous superfamily - PDB-Sum server

FSSP : 7V6D Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins - FSSP server

SCOP : 7V6D Structural Classification Of Protein - SCOP server

PROTEOPEDIA : 7V6D 3D, interactive encyclopedia of proteins - PROTEOPEDIA server