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Fulton_1943_Science_97_569 Acetylcholine and the Physiology of the Nervous System
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Nachmansohn_1943_J.Neurophysiol_6_397 The formation of acetylcholine: a new enzyme: choline acetylase
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Mendel_1943_Biochem.J_37_59 Studies on cholinesterase: 1. Cholinesterase and pseudo-cholinesterase
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Mendel_1943_Biochem.J_37_473 Studies on cholinesterase: 3. Specific tests for true cholinesterase and pseudo-cholinesterase
Mendel_1943_J.Neurophysiol_6_431 Removal of acetylcholine by cholinesterase injections and the effect thereof on nerve impulse transmission
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Sawyer_1943_J.Exptl.Zool_94_1 Cholinesterase a nd the behavior problem in Amblystoma. III. The distribution of cholinesterase in nerve and muscle throughout development. IV. Cholinesterase in nerve.less muscle
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Stoner_1943_J.Physiol_102_1 The effect of muscular exercise on the serum cholinesterase level in normal adults and in patients with myasthenia gravis