della Torre_2002_Science_298_115


Title : Speciation within Anopheles gambiae--the glass is half full - della Torre_2002_Science_298_115
Author(s) : della Torre A , Costantini C , Besansky NJ , Caccone A , Petrarca V , Powell JR , Coluzzi M
Ref : Science , 298 :115 , 2002
Abstract :

Restrictions to gene flow among molecular forms of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto reveal an ongoing speciation process affecting the epidemiology of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.

PubMedSearch : della Torre_2002_Science_298_115
PubMedID: 12364784

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Citations formats

della Torre A, Costantini C, Besansky NJ, Caccone A, Petrarca V, Powell JR, Coluzzi M (2002)
Speciation within Anopheles gambiae--the glass is half full
Science 298 :115

della Torre A, Costantini C, Besansky NJ, Caccone A, Petrarca V, Powell JR, Coluzzi M (2002)
Science 298 :115