We warmly thank:
- Jean Racine (1639-1699) who wrote the following tercet (which we found to be appropriate for the Internet):
Son amitié pour moi le rend ingénieux
Absent Je le consulte, et ses réponses sages
Pour venir jusqu'à moi trouvent mille passages.
ESTHER acte I, scene I (1689)
His friendship for me makes him clever
While he is away I consult him, and his wise answers
To reach me, find thousand paths.
- Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) who wrote a fictitious taxonomy of animals from an ancient Chinese encyclopaedia "Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge" (which we found clearly fit with the state of shambles which some users can feel when connecting to the ESTHER database)
pertenecientes al Emperador | those belonging to the Emperor |
embalsamados | embalmed ones |
amaestrados | trained ones |
lechones | suckling pigs |
sirenas | mermaids (or sirens) |
fabulosos | fabled ones |
perros sueltos | stray dogs |
incluidos en esta clasificación | those included in this classification |
que se agitan como locos | those that tremble as if they were mad |
innumerables | innumerable ones |
dibujados con un pincel finísimo de pelo de camello | those drawn with a very fine camel hair brush |
etcétera | et cetera |
que acaban de romper el jarrón | those that have just broken the vase |
que de lejos parecen moscas | those that from afar look like flies |
"El idioma analítico de John Wilkins", La Nación (in Spanish), Argentina, 8 February 1942
- Florence Corpet, Jerome Gouzy and Daniel Kahn - from PRODOM INRA Toulouse - for sharing the DisplayFam: Protein Family Viewer, and Multalign program with us.
- Keith Bradnam - the UK CropNet webmaster and Arabidopsis Genome Resource developer - who helped us customize Perl scripts.
- Alan Robinson, who kindly provided us with Java codes for the Mutation viewer application and kept helping us for its implementation for ESTHER.
- Lincoln Stein - the author of the Perl Ace browser - who helped us adapt it to ESTHER.
- Jean Thierry-Mieg and Richard Durbin - the writers of the ACeDB database system - who, along with Danielle Thierry-Mieg, intensely helped us build the ESTHER Database.
- The current ACeDB and WormBase Teams, who also helped us with ACeDB updates.>
- Hervé Recipon (National Institute for Biological Information) for adaptation of the BLAST page and program.
- The curators of the GenBank, EMBL and Swiss-Prot databases, and the creators of many WWW servers which we used for ESTHER.
And also:
- Avigdor Shafferman (Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona, IL), who made the initial Mutation Table available to us
- Kurt Giles (Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot, IL), who carefully proofread all the data introduced in the early times of the server.
- Mary K. Gentry and Bhupendra P. Doctor (WRAIR, Silver Spring, MD), who provided ESTHER with a carefully built alignment of a large set of sequences.
- Anne Molgaard (U. Copenhagen, DK), Zoran Radic (UCSD, La Jolla, CA), Charles Millard (Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot, IL), Zygmunt Derewenda (U. Virginia, Charlottesville, VA), who reported errors or discrepancies in the structure pages and helped correct them.
We do not warrant the correctness of the data, and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use. We cannot provide unrestricted permission regarding the use of the data, as some data may be covered by patents or other rights.
Any medical or genetic information is provided for research, educational and informational purposes only. It is not in any way intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care.
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