Abass KS

References (3)

Title : Cholinesterase Effects of Pesticides in Rabbit Embryos and their Potential for Use in Hazard Assessment - Abass_2016_J.Vet.Sci.Technol_7_401
Author(s) : Abass KS , Ali Salih K
Ref : J Vet Sci Technol , 7 :401 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abass_2016_J.Vet.Sci.Technol_7_401

Title : A Method for Fast Assessment of OP\/CB Exposure in the Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Using Combined Esterases Enzyme Activity as Biomarkers - Abass_2014_Enzyme.Res_2014_812302
Author(s) : Abass KS
Ref : Enzyme Res , 2014 :812302 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abass_2014_Enzyme.Res_2014_812302
PubMedID: 24527206

Title : Experimental Measurements for the Effect of Dilution Procedure in Blood Esterases as Animals Biomarker for Exposure to OP Compounds - Abass_2014_Biomed.Res.Int_2014_451982
Author(s) : Abass KS
Ref : Biomed Res Int , 2014 :451982 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abass_2014_Biomed.Res.Int_2014_451982
PubMedID: 24864243