Avogaro A

References (5)

Title : Disentangling conflicting evidence on DPP-4 inhibitors and outcomes of COVID-19: narrative review and meta-analysis - Bonora_2021_J.Endocrinol.Invest__1
Author(s) : Bonora BM , Avogaro A , Fadini GP
Ref : J Endocrinol Invest , :1 , 2021
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Title : The pleiotropic cardiovascular effects of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors - Avogaro_2018_Br.J.Clin.Pharmacol_84_1686
Author(s) : Avogaro A , Fadini GP
Ref : British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , 84 :1686 , 2018
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Title : Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibition and vascular repair by mobilization of endogenous stem cells in diabetes and beyond - Fadini_2013_Atherosclerosis_229_23
Author(s) : Fadini GP , Avogaro A
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 229 :23 , 2013
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Title : The oral dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor sitagliptin increases circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with type 2 diabetes: possible role of stromal-derived factor-1alpha - Fadini_2010_Diabetes.Care_33_1607
Author(s) : Fadini GP , Boscaro E , Albiero M , Menegazzo L , Frison V , de Kreutzenberg S , Agostini C , Tiengo A , Avogaro A
Ref : Diabetes Care , 33 :1607 , 2010
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PubMedID: 20357375

Title : [Glucagon-like peptide-1: pleiotropic effects on the cardiovascular system] - Avogaro_2008_G.Ital.Cardiol.(Rome)_9_753
Author(s) : Avogaro A
Ref : G Ital Cardiol (Rome) , 9 :753 , 2008
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 19058666