Aygun D

References (8)

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Title : Is there a relationship between the blood cholinesterase and QTc interval in the patients with acute organophosphate poisoning? - Baydin_2007_Int.J.Clin.Pract_61_927
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Title : Late-onset intermediate syndrome due to organophosphate poisoning -
Author(s) : Yardan T , Baydin A , Aygun D , Karatas AD , Deniz T , Doganay Z
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Title : Intermediate syndrome following acute organophosphate poisoning: correlation with initial serum levels of muscle enzymes - Aygun_2007_Basic.Clin.Pharmacol.Toxicol_100_201
Author(s) : Aygun D , Erenler AK , Karatas AD , Baydin A
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Title : In acute organophosphate poisoning, the efficacy of hemoperfusion on clinical status and mortality - Altintop_2005_J.Intensive.Care.Med_20_346
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Title : Diagnosis in an acute organophosphate poisoning: report of three interesting cases and review of the literature - Aygun_2004_Eur.J.Emerg.Med_11_55
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Title : The clinical and electrophysiological features of a delayed polyneuropathy developing subsequently after acute organophosphate poisoning and it's correlation with the serum acetylcholinesterase - Aygun_2003_Electromyogr.Clin.Neurophysiol_43_421
Author(s) : Aygun D , Onar MK , Altintop BL
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Title : Serum acetylcholinesterase and prognosis of acute organophosphate poisoning - Aygun_2002_J.Toxicol.Clin.Toxicol_40_903
Author(s) : Aygun D , Doganay Z , Altintop L , Guven H , Onar M , Deniz T , Sunter T
Ref : J Toxicol Clinical Toxicology , 40 :903 , 2002
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