Azanza MJ

References (3)

Title : Histochemical, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopy study of the caudal portion of the chicken intestinal nerve of Remak - Aisa_1998_Neurochem.Res_23_845
Author(s) : Aisa J , Lahoz M , Serrano PJ , Castiella T , Junquera C , Azanza MJ , Vera-Gil A
Ref : Neurochem Res , 23 :845 , 1998
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 9572673

Title : Intrinsic innervation of a reptilian esophagus (Podarcis hispanica) - Junquera_1998_Neurochem.Res_23_493
Author(s) : Junquera C , Martinez-Ciriano C , Castiella T , Aisa J , Blasco J , Peg MT , Azanza MJ
Ref : Neurochem Res , 23 :493 , 1998
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 9566583

Title : The vagal contribution to the rat liver innervation: a demonstration with the cobalt impregnation method - Azanza_1987_Comp.Biochem.Physiol_86_275
Author(s) : Azanza MJ
Ref : Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology , 86 :275 , 1987
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 2435452