Bailey CDC

References (3)

Title : Poster: Region-specific cholinergic excitation of layer VI cortical neurons depends on receptor balance and chrna5 expression -
Author(s) : Tian MK , Bailey CDC , Lambe EK
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 86 :1230 , 2013

Title : Poster: Dendritic spine density of prefrontal layer VI neurons is disrupted following chronic in vivo nicotine exposure in development -
Author(s) : Kang L , Bailey CDC , Tian MK , Lambe EK
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 86 :1230 , 2013

Title : Poster: Plasticity of prefrontal attention circuitry: Upregulated muscarinic excitability in response to decreased nicotinic signaling following deletion of alpha5 or beta2 subunits -
Author(s) : Tian MK , Bailey CDC , De Biasi M , Picciotto MR , Lambe EK
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 82 :1036 , 2011