Berry M

References (5)

Title : Inheritance of low plasma cholinesterase activity in two families with a history of suxamethonium sensitivity [see comments] - Whittaker_1989_Anaesthesia_44_480
Author(s) : Whittaker M , Berry M , Britten JJ
Ref : Anaesthesia , 44 :480 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Whittaker_1989_Anaesthesia_44_480
PubMedID: 2757153

Title : Plasma cholinesterase polymorphism in Down's syndrome - Whittaker_1977_Hum.Hered_27_52
Author(s) : Whittaker M , Berry M
Ref : Hum Hered , 27 :52 , 1977
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Whittaker_1977_Hum.Hered_27_52
PubMedID: 139357

Title : The plasma cholinesterase variants in mentally ill patients - Whittaker_1977_Br.J.Psychiatry_130_397
Author(s) : Whittaker M , Berry M
Ref : British Journal of Psychiatry , 130 :397 , 1977
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Whittaker_1977_Br.J.Psychiatry_130_397
PubMedID: 139958

Title : Incidence of suxamethonium apnoea in patients undergoing E.C.T - Berry_1975_Br.J.Anaesth_47_1195
Author(s) : Berry M , Whittaker M
Ref : British Journal of Anaesthesia , 47 :1195 , 1975
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Berry_1975_Br.J.Anaesth_47_1195
PubMedID: 1218148

Title : The pseudocholinesterase variants. A family segregating for two homozygotes with the fluoride resistant gene -
Author(s) : Whittaker M , Berry M
Ref : Hum Hered , 22 :243 , 1972
PubMedID: 4562379