Binder S

References (2)

Title : A secretion biosensor for monitoring Sec-dependent protein export in Corynebacterium glutamicum - Jurischka_2020_Microb.Cell.Fact_19_11
Author(s) : Jurischka S , Bida A , Dohmen-Olma D , Kleine B , Potzkei J , Binder S , Schaumann G , Bakkes PJ , Freudl R
Ref : Microb Cell Fact , 19 :11 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jurischka_2020_Microb.Cell.Fact_19_11
PubMedID: 31964372

Title : A high-throughput approach to identify genomic variants of bacterial metabolite producers at the single-cell level - Binder_2012_Genome.Biol_13_R40
Author(s) : Binder S , Schendzielorz G , Stabler N , Krumbach K , Hoffmann K , Bott M , Eggeling L
Ref : Genome Biol , 13 :R40 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Binder_2012_Genome.Biol_13_R40
PubMedID: 22640862
Gene_locus related to this paper: corgl-Cgl2249 , corgl-CGL2393