Title : Mode of action of an inhibitor of acetylcholine synthesis - |
Author(s) : MacIntosh FC , Birks RI , Sastry PB |
Ref : Neurology , 8 :90 , 1958 |
PubMedID: 13541621 |
Title : Acetylcholine metabolism at nerve-endings - |
Author(s) : Birks RI , MacIntosh FC |
Ref : British Medical Bulletin , 13 :157 , 1957 |
PubMedID: 13460271 |
Title : Pharmacological inhibition of acetylcholine synthesis - |
Author(s) : Birks RI , MacIntosh FC , Sastry PB |
Ref : Nature , 178 :1181 , 1956 |
PubMedID: 13387665 |