Bitner-Glindzicz M

References (1)

Title : Rapid Paediatric Sequencing (RaPS): comprehensive real-life workflow for rapid diagnosis of critically ill children - Mestek-Boukhibar_2018_J.Med.Genet_55_721
Author(s) : Mestek-Boukhibar L , Clement E , Jones WD , Drury S , Ocaka L , Gagunashvili A , Le Quesne Stabej P , Bacchelli C , Jani N , Rahman S , Jenkins L , Hurst JA , Bitner-Glindzicz M , Peters M , Beales PL , Williams HJ
Ref : Journal of Medical Genetics , 55 :721 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mestek-Boukhibar_2018_J.Med.Genet_55_721
PubMedID: 30049826