Blank S

References (1)

Title : Identification, recombinant expression, and characterization of the 100 kDa high molecular weight Hymenoptera venom allergens Api m 5 and Ves v 3 - Blank_2010_J.Immunol_184_5403
Author(s) : Blank S , Seismann H , Bockisch B , Braren I , Cifuentes L , McIntyre M , Ruhl D , Ring J , Bredehorst R , Ollert MW , Grunwald T , Spillner E
Ref : J Immunol , 184 :5403 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Blank_2010_J.Immunol_184_5403
PubMedID: 20348419
Gene_locus related to this paper: apime-vdpp4 , vesvu-vddp4