Borodic GE

References (2)

Title : Histologic assessment of dose-related diffusion and muscle fiber response after therapeutic botulinum A toxin injections - Borodic_1994_Mov.Dis_9_31
Author(s) : Borodic GE , Ferrante R , Pearce LB , Smith K
Ref : Movement Disorders , 9 :31 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Borodic_1994_Mov.Dis_9_31
PubMedID: 8139603

Title : Botulinum B toxin as an alternative to botulinum A toxin: a histologic study - Borodic_1993_Ophthal.Plastic.Reconst.Surg_9_182
Author(s) : Borodic GE , Pearce LB , Smith KL , Phelan M , Ferrante R
Ref : Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery , 9 :182 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Borodic_1993_Ophthal.Plastic.Reconst.Surg_9_182
PubMedID: 8217959