Title : Two distinct populations of cholinergic neurons in the septum of raccoon (Procyon lotor): evidence for a separate subset in the lateral septum - Brauer_1999_J.Comp.Neurol_412_112 |
Author(s) : Brauer K , Holzer M , Bruckner G , Tremere L , Rasmusson DD , Poethke R , Arendt T , Hartig W |
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 412 :112 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Brauer_1999_J.Comp.Neurol_412_112 |
PubMedID: 10440713 |
Title : Co-expression of p75NTR- and calbindin-immunoreactivity in cholinergic neurons of the raccoon basal forebrain - Tremere_1998_Brain.Res_797_351 |
Author(s) : Tremere L , Bruckner G , Brauer K , Rasmusson DD , Poethke R , Hartig W |
Ref : Brain Research , 797 :351 , 1998 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Tremere_1998_Brain.Res_797_351 |
PubMedID: 9666169 |