Castane PM

References (2)

Title : Use of integrated biomarker indexes for assessing the impact of receiving waters on a native neotropical teleost fish - Baudou_2018_Sci.Total.Environ_650_1779
Author(s) : Baudou FG , Ossana NA , Castane PM , Mastrangelo MM , Gonzalez Nunez AA , Palacio MJ , Ferrari L
Ref : Sci Total Environ , 650 :1779 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Baudou_2018_Sci.Total.Environ_650_1779
PubMedID: 30278422

Title : Use of Lithobates catesbeianus Tadpoles in a Multiple Biomarker Approach for the Assessment of Water Quality of the Reconquista River (Argentina) - Ossana_2013_Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_65_486
Author(s) : Ossana NA , Castane PM , Salibian A
Ref : Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology , 65 :486 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ossana_2013_Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_65_486
PubMedID: 23744050