Chang RS

References (2)

Title : Systematic Review of Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Cognition and Behavioral Symptoms in Patients of Chinese Descent with Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular Dementia, or Mixed Dementia - Leung_2017_Geriatrics.(Basel)_2_
Author(s) : Leung KC , Li V , Ng YZ , Chan TT , Chang RS , Wong RY
Ref : Geriatrics (Basel) , 2 : , 2017
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 31011039

Title : Postsynaptic membranes in the electric tissue of Narcine: IV. Isolation and characterization of the nicotinic receptor protein - Chang_1977_Tissue.Cell_9_623
Author(s) : Chang RS , Potter LT , Smith DS
Ref : Tissue Cell , 9 :623 , 1977
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chang_1977_Tissue.Cell_9_623
PubMedID: 416517