Chiu YJ

References (5)

Title : A Neuroprotective Action of Quercetin and Apigenin through Inhibiting Aggregation of Abeta and Activation of TRKB Signaling in a Cellular Experiment - Chiu_2023_Biomol.Ther.(Seoul)__
Author(s) : Chiu YJ , Teng YS , Chen CM , Sun YC , Hsieh-Li HM , Chang KH , Lee-Chen GJ
Ref : Biomol Ther (Seoul) , : , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chiu_2023_Biomol.Ther.(Seoul)__
PubMedID: 36646447

Title : Multi-Target Effects of Novel Synthetic Coumarin Derivatives Protecting Abeta-GFP SH-SY5Y Cells against Abeta Toxicity - Huang_2021_Cells_10_
Author(s) : Huang CC , Chang KH , Chiu YJ , Chen YR , Lung TH , Hsieh-Li HM , Su MT , Sun YC , Chen CM , Lin W , Lee-Chen GJ
Ref : Cells , 10 : , 2021
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PubMedID: 34831318

Title : Novel compound VB-037 inhibits Abeta aggregation and promotes neurite outgrowth through enhancement of HSP27 and reduction of P38 and JNK-mediated inflammation in cell models for Alzheimer's disease - Chiu_2019_Neurochem.Int_125_175
Author(s) : Chiu YJ , Hsieh YH , Lin TH , Lee GC , Hsieh-Li HM , Sun YC , Chen CM , Chang KH , Lee-Chen GJ
Ref : Neurochem Int , 125 :175 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chiu_2019_Neurochem.Int_125_175
PubMedID: 30707915

Title : Novel synthetic chalcone-coumarin hybrid for Abeta aggregation reduction, antioxidation, and neuroprotection - Lee_2018_CNS.Neurosci.Ther_24_1286
Author(s) : Lee SY , Chiu YJ , Yang SM , Chen CM , Huang CC , Lee-Chen GJ , Lin W , Chang KH
Ref : CNS Neurosci Ther , 24 :1286 , 2018
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PubMedSearch : Lee_2018_CNS.Neurosci.Ther_24_1286
PubMedID: 30596401

Title : Chinese Herbal Medicine Glycyrrhiza inflataReduces Abeta Aggregation and Exerts Neuroprotection through Anti-Oxidation and Anti-Inflammation - Chiu_2018_Am.J.Chin.Med__1
Author(s) : Chiu YJ , Lee CM , Lin TH , Lin HY , Lee SY , Mesri M , Chang KH , Lin JY , Lee-Chen GJ , Chen CM
Ref : Am J Chin Med , :1 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chiu_2018_Am.J.Chin.Med__1
PubMedID: 30284464