Choi GY

References (2)

Title : Ameliorative effect of vanillic acid against scopolamine-induced learning and memory impairment in rat via attenuation of oxidative stress and dysfunctional synaptic plasticity - Choi_2024_Biomed.Pharmacother_177_117000
Author(s) : Choi GY , Lee IS , Moon E , Choi H , Je AR , Park JH , Kweon HS
Ref : Biomed Pharmacother , 177 :117000 , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Choi_2024_Biomed.Pharmacother_177_117000
PubMedID: 38941895

Title : Umbelliferone Ameliorates Memory Impairment and Enhances Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity in Scopolamine-Induced Rat Model - Choi_2023_Nutrients_15_
Author(s) : Choi GY , Kim HB , Cho JM , Sreelatha I , Lee IS , Kweon HS , Sul S , Kim SA , Maeng S , Park JH
Ref : Nutrients , 15 : , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Choi_2023_Nutrients_15_
PubMedID: 37242234