Chowdhury K

References (2)

Title : ATG14 plays a critical role in hepatic lipid droplet homeostasis - Huang_2023_Metabolism_148_155693
Author(s) : Huang M , Zhang Y , Park J , Chowdhury K , Xu J , Lu A , Wang L , Zhang W , Ekser B , Yu L , Dong XC
Ref : Metabolism , 148 :155693 , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Huang_2023_Metabolism_148_155693
PubMedID: 37741434
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD5

Title : Metabolic profiling, in vitro propagation, and genetic assessment of the endangered rare plant Anarrhinum pubescens - Abdelsalam_2021_J.Genet.Eng.Biotechnol_19_108
Author(s) : Abdelsalam A , Mahran E , Chowdhury K , Boroujerdi A
Ref : J Genet Eng Biotechnol , 19 :108 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abdelsalam_2021_J.Genet.Eng.Biotechnol_19_108
PubMedID: 34309751