Correig X

References (1)

Title : Liver fat deposition and mitochondrial dysfunction in morbid obesity: An approach combining metabolomics with liver imaging and histology - Calvo_2015_World.J.Gastroenterol_21_7529
Author(s) : Calvo N , Beltran-Debon R , Rodriguez-Gallego E , Hernandez-Aguilera A , Guirro M , Marine-Casado R , Milla L , Alegret JM , Sabench F , del Castillo D , Vinaixa M , Rodriguez MA , Correig X , Garcia-Alvarez R , Menendez JA , Camps J , Joven J
Ref : World J Gastroenterol , 21 :7529 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Calvo_2015_World.J.Gastroenterol_21_7529
PubMedID: 26140000