Dalamon V

References (2)

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Ref : Mol Biol Rep , 40 :6945 , 2013
Abstract :
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Title : Electrical properties and functional expression of ionic channels in cochlear inner hair cells of mice lacking the alpha10 nicotinic cholinergic receptor subunit - Gomez-Casati_2009_J.Assoc.Res.Otolaryngol_10_221
Author(s) : Gomez-Casati ME , Wedemeyer C , Taranda J , Lipovsek M , Dalamon V , Elgoyhen AB , Katz E
Ref : J Assoc Res Otolaryngol , 10 :221 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gomez-Casati_2009_J.Assoc.Res.Otolaryngol_10_221
PubMedID: 19252947