Dash B

References (2)

Title : A signal peptide missense mutation associated with nicotine dependence alters alpha2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function - Dash_2014_Neuropharmacol_79_715
Author(s) : Dash B , Lukas RJ , Li MD
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 79 :715 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dash_2014_Neuropharmacol_79_715
PubMedID: 24467848

Title : Poster: Gain of function mutants in human or mouse nAChR beta3 subunits interchangeably activate either human or mouse alpha6\/beta4*-nAChR, but not human or mouse alpha6\/beta2*-nAChR -
Author(s) : Dash B , Bhakta M , Whiteaker P , Stizel JA , Chang Y , Lukas RJ
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 78 :901 , 2009