Delaroche O

References (4)

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Author(s) : Lejus C , Delaroche O , Trille E , Blanloeil Y , Pinaud M
Ref : Annales Francaises d Anesthesie et de Reanimation , 25 :657 , 2006
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Title : Does sevoflurane inhibit serum cholinesterase in children? - Lejus_2002_Anaesthesia_57_44
Author(s) : Lejus C , Delaroche O , Le Roux C , Legendre E , Rivault O , Floch H , Renaudin M , Pinaud M
Ref : Anaesthesia , 57 :44 , 2002
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Author(s) : Blanloeil Y , Delaroche O , Tequi B , Gunst JP , Dixneuf B
Ref : Annales Francaises d Anesthesie et de Reanimation , 15 :189 , 1996
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PubMedSearch : Blanloeil_1996_Ann.Fr.Anesth.Reanim_15_189
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Title : [Decrease in plasmatic cholinesterase activity in severe bacterial infections: comparison with the decrease observed in severe liver cirrhosis]. [French] - Blanloeil_1996_Ann.Fr.Anesth.Reanim_15_220
Author(s) : Blanloeil Y , Delaroche O
Ref : Annales Francaises d Anesthesie et de Reanimation , 15 :220 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Blanloeil_1996_Ann.Fr.Anesth.Reanim_15_220
PubMedID: 8734247