Devanand DP

References (6)

Title : Odor identification impairment and cholinesterase inhibitor treatment in Alzheimer's disease - Motter_2021_Alzheimers.Dement.(Amst)_13_e12158
Author(s) : Motter JN , Liu X , Qian M , Cohen HR , Devanand DP
Ref : Alzheimers Dement (Amst) , 13 :e12158 , 2021
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Title : Odor Identification Impairment and Change with Cholinesterase Inhibitor Treatment in Mild Cognitive Impairment - Devanand_2020_J.Alzheimers.Dis__
Author(s) : Devanand DP , Liu X , Chunga RE , Cohen H , Andrews H , Schofield PW , Stern Y , Huey ED , Choi J , Pelton GH
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Title : Donepezil Treatment in Patients With Depression and Cognitive Impairment on Stable Antidepressant Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial - Devanand_2018_Am.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry_26_1050
Author(s) : Devanand DP , Pelton GH , D'Antonio K , Ciarleglio A , Scodes J , Andrews H , Lunsford J , Beyer JL , Petrella JR , Sneed J , Ciovacco M , Doraiswamy PM
Ref : American Journal of Geriatry & Psychiatry , 26 :1050 , 2018
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Title : Change in Odor Identification Impairment is Associated with Improvement with Cholinesterase Inhibitor Treatment in Mild Cognitive Impairment - Devanand_2017_J.Alzheimers.Dis_60_1525
Author(s) : Devanand DP , Lentz C , Chunga RE , Ciarleglio A , Scodes JM , Andrews H , Schofield PW , Stern Y , Huey ED , Bell K , Pelton GH
Ref : J Alzheimers Dis , 60 :1525 , 2017
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Title : Donepezil treatment of older adults with cognitive impairment and depression (DOTCODE study): Clinical rationale and design - Pelton_2013_Contemp.Clin.Trials_37_200
Author(s) : Pelton GH , Andrews H , Roose SP , Marcus SM , D'Antonio K , Husn H , Petrella JR , Zannas AS , Doraiswamy PM , Devanand DP
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Title : Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled donepezil augmentation in antidepressant-treated elderly patients with depression and cognitive impairment: a pilot study - Pelton_2008_Int.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry_23_670
Author(s) : Pelton GH , Harper OL , Tabert MH , Sackeim HA , Scarmeas N , Roose SP , Devanand DP
Ref : Int J Geriatr Psychiatry , 23 :670 , 2008
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