Title : Comparative analysis of two complete Corynebacterium ulcerans genomes and detection of candidate virulence factors - Trost_2011_BMC.Genomics_12_383
Author(s) :
Trost E , Al-Dilaimi A , Papavasiliou P , Schneider J , Viehoever P , Burkovski A , Soares SC , Almeida SS , Dorella FA , Miyoshi A , Azevedo V , Schneider MP , Silva A , Santos CS , Santos LS , Sabbadini P , Dias AA , Hirata R, Jr. , Mattos-Guaraldi AL , Tauch A
Ref :
BMC Genomics , 12 :383 , 2011
Abstract :
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PubMedSearch : Trost_2011_BMC.Genomics_12_383
PubMedID : 21801446
Gene_locus related to this paper:
corpf-d8klx9 , corpf-d8kp20 , corub-g0cw29 , corub-g0cz26 , corul-g0cps5 , corub-g0czl4