Title : Modulation of direct pathway striatal projection neurons by muscarinic M(4)-type receptors - Hernandez-Flores_2015_Neuropharmacol_89_232 |
Author(s) : Hernandez-Flores T , Hernandez-Gonzalez O , Perez-Ramirez MB , Lara-Gonzalez E , Arias-Garcia MA , Duhne M , Perez-Burgos A , Prieto GA , Figueroa A , Galarraga E , Bargas J |
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 89 :232 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hernandez-Flores_2015_Neuropharmacol_89_232 |
PubMedID: 25290553 |
Title : KV7 Channels Regulate Firing during Synaptic Integration in GABAergic Striatal Neurons - Perez-Ramirez_2015_Neural.Plast_2015_472676 |
Author(s) : Perez-Ramirez MB , Laville A , Tapia D , Duhne M , Lara-Gonzalez E , Bargas J , Galarraga E |
Ref : Neural Plast , 2015 :472676 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Perez-Ramirez_2015_Neural.Plast_2015_472676 |
PubMedID: 26113994 |
Title : Global actions of nicotine on the striatal microcircuit - Plata_2013_Front.Syst.Neurosci_7_78 |
Author(s) : Plata V , Duhne M , Perez-Ortega J , Hernandez-Martinez R , Rueda-Orozco P , Galarraga E , Drucker-Colin R , Bargas J |
Ref : Front Syst Neurosci , 7 :78 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Plata_2013_Front.Syst.Neurosci_7_78 |
PubMedID: 24223538 |
Title : Direct evaluation of L-DOPA actions on neuronal activity of Parkinsonian tissue in vitro - Plata_2013_Biomed.Res.Int_2013_519184 |
Author(s) : Plata V , Duhne M , Perez-Ortega JE , Barroso-Flores J , Galarraga E , Bargas J |
Ref : Biomed Res Int , 2013 :519184 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Plata_2013_Biomed.Res.Int_2013_519184 |
PubMedID: 24151606 |