Edwards JL

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Title : Quantitation of fluoride ion released sarin in red blood cell samples by gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry using isotope dilution and large-volume injection - Jakubowski_2004_J.Anal.Toxicol_28_357
Author(s) : Jakubowski EM , McGuire JM , Evans RA , Edwards JL , Hulet SW , Benton BJ , Forster JS , Burnett DC , Muse WT , Matson K , Crouse CL , Mioduszewski RJ , Thomson SA
Ref : J Anal Toxicol , 28 :357 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jakubowski_2004_J.Anal.Toxicol_28_357
PubMedID: 15239856