Edwards JP

References (5)

Title : The ectoparasitic wasp Eulophus pennicornis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) uses instar-specific endocrine disruption strategies to suppress the development of its host Lacanobia oleracea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) - Edwards_2006_J.Insect.Physiol_52_1153
Author(s) : Edwards JP , Bell HA , Audsley N , Marris GC , Kirkbride-Smith A , Bryning G , Frisco C , Cusson M
Ref : J Insect Physiol , 52 :1153 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Edwards_2006_J.Insect.Physiol_52_1153
PubMedID: 17064726

Title : Hydrolase activity in the venom of the pupal endoparasitic wasp, Pimpla hypochondriaca - Dani_2005_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.B.Biochem.Mol.Biol_141_373
Author(s) : Dani MP , Edwards JP , Richards EH
Ref : Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology B Biochem Mol Biol , 141 :373 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dani_2005_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.B.Biochem.Mol.Biol_141_373
PubMedID: 15936965

Title : Juvenile hormone biosynthesis by corpora allata of larval tomato moth, Lacanobia oleracea, and regulation by Manduca sexta allatostatin and allatotropin - Audsley_2000_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_30_681
Author(s) : Audsley N , Weaver RJ , Edwards JP
Ref : Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 30 :681 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Audsley_2000_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_30_681
PubMedID: 10876111

Title : Increased quantal release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction following scald injury in the rat - Edwards_1999_Muscle.Nerve_22_1660
Author(s) : Edwards JP , Hatton PA , Little RA , Pennington RA , Wareham AC
Ref : Muscle & Nerve , 22 :1660 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Edwards_1999_Muscle.Nerve_22_1660
PubMedID: 10567078

Title : Electrophysiology of the neuromuscular junction of the laminin-2 (merosin) deficient C57 BL\/6J dy2J\/dy2J dystrophic mouse - Edwards_1998_Brain.Res_788_262
Author(s) : Edwards JP , Hatton PA , Wareham AC
Ref : Brain Research , 788 :262 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Edwards_1998_Brain.Res_788_262
PubMedID: 9555049