Eguchi T

References (7)

Title : DOK7 Gene Therapy Enhances Neuromuscular Junction Innervation and Motor Function in Aged Mice - Ueta_2020_iScience_23_101385
Author(s) : Ueta R , Sugita S , Minegishi Y , Shimotoyodome A , Ota N , Ogiso N , Eguchi T , Yamanashi Y
Ref : iScience , 23 :101385 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ueta_2020_iScience_23_101385
PubMedID: 32758427

Title : Overexpression of Dok-7 in skeletal muscle enhances neuromuscular transmission with structural alterations of neuromuscular junctions: Implications in robustness of neuromuscular transmission - Eguchi_2020_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_523_214
Author(s) : Eguchi T , Tezuka T , Fukudome T , Watanabe Y , Sagara H , Yamanashi Y
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 523 :214 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Eguchi_2020_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_523_214
PubMedID: 31848047

Title : The crystal structure of the amidohydrolase VinJ shows a unique hydrophobic tunnel for its interaction with polyketide substrates - Shinohara_2014_FEBS.Lett_588_995
Author(s) : Shinohara Y , Miyanaga A , Kudo F , Eguchi T
Ref : FEBS Letters , 588 :995 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shinohara_2014_FEBS.Lett_588_995
PubMedID: 24530530
Gene_locus related to this paper: strha-q76ky6

Title : Clinically meaningful treatment responses after switching to galantamine and with addition of memantine in patients with Alzheimer's disease receiving donepezil - Kano_2013_Neuropsychiatr.Dis.Treat_9_259
Author(s) : Kano O , Ito H , Takazawa T , Kawase Y , Murata K , Iwamoto K , Nagaoka T , Hirayama T , Miura K , Nagata R , Kiyozuka T , Aoyagi J , Sato R , Eguchi T , Ikeda K , Iwasaki Y
Ref : Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat , 9 :259 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kano_2013_Neuropsychiatr.Dis.Treat_9_259
PubMedID: 23431041

Title : A natural protecting group strategy to carry an amino acid starter unit in the biosynthesis of macrolactam polyketide antibiotics - Shinohara_2011_J.Am.Chem.Soc_133_18134
Author(s) : Shinohara Y , Kudo F , Eguchi T
Ref : Journal of the American Chemical Society , 133 :18134 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shinohara_2011_J.Am.Chem.Soc_133_18134
PubMedID: 22010945

Title : Cloning of the pactamycin biosynthetic gene cluster and characterization of a crucial glycosyltransferase prior to a unique cyclopentane ring formation - Kudo_2007_J.Antibiot.(Tokyo)_60_492
Author(s) : Kudo F , Kasama Y , Hirayama T , Eguchi T
Ref : J Antibiot (Tokyo) , 60 :492 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kudo_2007_J.Antibiot.(Tokyo)_60_492
PubMedID: 17827660

Title : Cloning, sequencing, and functional analysis of the biosynthetic gene cluster of macrolactam antibiotic vicenistatin in Streptomyces halstedii - Ogasawara_2004_Chem.Biol_11_79
Author(s) : Ogasawara Y , Katayama K , Minami A , Otsuka M , Eguchi T , Kakinuma K
Ref : Chemical Biology , 11 :79 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ogasawara_2004_Chem.Biol_11_79
PubMedID: 15112997
Gene_locus related to this paper: strha-q76ky6 , strha-q76kz3