Title : The Antidiabetic Drug Liraglutide Minimizes the Non-Cholinergic Neurotoxicity of the Pesticide Mipafox in SH-SY5Y Cells - Fernandes_2019_Neurotox.Res_35_150 |
Author(s) : Fernandes LS , Dos Santos NAG , Emerick GL , Dos Santos AC |
Ref : Neurotox Res , 35 :150 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Fernandes_2019_Neurotox.Res_35_150 |
PubMedID: 30088187 |
Title : High concentration of trichlorfon (1mM) disrupts axonal cytoskeleton and decreases the expression of plasticity-related proteins in SH-SY5Y cells - Fernandes_2017_Toxicol.In.Vitro_39_84 |
Author(s) : Fernandes LS , Emerick GL , Ferreira RS , Santos NA , Santos AC |
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 39 :84 , 2017 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Fernandes_2017_Toxicol.In.Vitro_39_84 |
PubMedID: 27939611 |
Title : In vitro study of the neuropathic potential of the organophosphorus compounds fenamiphos and profenofos: Comparison with mipafox and paraoxon - Emerick_2015_Toxicol.In.Vitro_29_1079 |
Author(s) : Emerick GL , Fernandes LS , de Paula ES , Barbosa F, Jr. , Santos NA , Santos AC |
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 29 :1079 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Emerick_2015_Toxicol.In.Vitro_29_1079 |
PubMedID: 25910916 |
Title : In vitro study of the neuropathic potential of the organophosphorus compounds trichlorfon and acephate - Fernandes_2015_Toxicol.In.Vitro_29_522 |
Author(s) : Fernandes LS , Emerick GL , Santos NA , de Paula ES , Barbosa F, Jr. , Santos AC |
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 29 :522 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Fernandes_2015_Toxicol.In.Vitro_29_522 |
PubMedID: 25596135 |