Fernandes S

References (2)

Title : Recovery of recombinant cutinase using detergent foam - Fernandes_2002_Biotechnol.Prog_18_116
Author(s) : Fernandes S , Mattiasson B , Hatti-Kaul R
Ref : Biotechnol Prog , 18 :116 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fernandes_2002_Biotechnol.Prog_18_116
PubMedID: 11822909

Title : Purification of recombinant cutinase by extraction in an aqueous two-phase system facilitated by a fatty acid substrate - Fernandes_2001_Biotechnol.Bioeng_73_465
Author(s) : Fernandes S , Johansson G , Hatti-Kaul R
Ref : Biotechnol Bioeng , 73 :465 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fernandes_2001_Biotechnol.Bioeng_73_465
PubMedID: 11344451