Fischer von Mollard G


Full name : Fischer von Mollard Gabriele

First name : Gabriele

Mail : Biochemie III, Fakultat fur Chemie, Universitat Bielefeld, Bielefeld

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Country : Germany

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References (8)

Title : Lack of the endosomal SNAREs vti1a and vti1b led to significant impairments in neuronal development - Kunwar_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_2575
Author(s) : Kunwar AJ , Rickmann M , Backofen B , Browski SM , Rosenbusch J , Schoning S , Fleischmann T , Krieglstein K , Fischer von Mollard G
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :2575 , 2011
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 21262811

Title : The exocytosis of lytic granules is impaired in Vti1b- or Vamp8-deficient CTL leading to a reduced cytotoxic activity following antigen-specific activation - Dressel_2010_J.Immunol_185_1005
Author(s) : Dressel R , Elsner L , Novota P , Kanwar N , Fischer von Mollard G
Ref : J Immunol , 185 :1005 , 2010
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PubMedID: 20543108

Title : Dissecting Ent3p: the ENTH domain binds different SNAREs via distinct amino acid residues while the C-terminus is sufficient for retrograde transport from endosomes - Zimmermann_2010_Biochem.J_431_123
Author(s) : Zimmermann J , Chidambaram S , Fischer von Mollard G
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 431 :123 , 2010
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PubMedID: 20658963

Title : TVP23 interacts genetically with the yeast SNARE VTI1 and functions in retrograde transport from the early endosome to the late Golgi - Stein_2009_Biochem.J_419_229
Author(s) : Stein IS , Gottfried A , Zimmermann J , Fischer von Mollard G
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 419 :229 , 2009
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PubMedID: 19076069

Title : Use1p is a yeast SNARE protein required for retrograde traffic to the ER - Dilcher_2003_EMBO.J_22_3664
Author(s) : Dilcher M , Veith B , Chidambaram S , Hartmann E , Schmitt HD , Fischer von Mollard G
Ref : EMBO Journal , 22 :3664 , 2003
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PubMedID: 12853481

Title : Deletion of the SNARE vti1b in mice results in the loss of a single SNARE partner, syntaxin 8 - Atlashkin_2003_Mol.Cell.Biol_23_5198
Author(s) : Atlashkin V , Kreykenbohm V , Eskelinen EL , Wenzel D , Fayyazi A , Fischer von Mollard G
Ref : Molecular & Cellular Biology , 23 :5198 , 2003
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PubMedID: 12861006

Title : rab3 is a small GTP-binding protein exclusively localized to synaptic vesicles - Fischer_1990_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_87_1988
Author(s) : Fischer von Mollard G , Mignery GA , Baumert M , Perin MS , Hanson TJ , Burger PM , Jahn R , Sudhof TC
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 87 :1988 , 1990
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Title : P29: a novel tyrosine-phosphorylated membrane protein present in small clear vesicles of neurons and endocrine cells - Baumert_1990_J.Cell.Biol_110_1285
Author(s) : Baumert M , Takei K , Hartinger J , Burger PM , Fischer von Mollard G , Maycox PR , De Camilli P , Jahn R
Ref : Journal of Cell Biology , 110 :1285 , 1990
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 2182650