Frei R

References (1)

Title : Adipose triglyceride lipase acts on neutrophil lipid droplets to regulate substrate availability for lipid mediator synthesis - Schlager_2015_J.Leukoc.Biol_98_837
Author(s) : Schlager S , Goeritzer M , Jandl K , Frei R , Vujic N , Kolb D , Strohmaier H , Dorow J , Eichmann TO , Rosenberger A , Wolfler A , Lass A , Kershaw EE , Ceglarek U , Dichlberger A , Heinemann A , Kratky D
Ref : J Leukoc Biol , 98 :837 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schlager_2015_J.Leukoc.Biol_98_837
PubMedID: 26109679