Fuller RC

References (4)

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Author(s) : Foster LJ , Lenz RW , Fuller RC
Ref : Int J Biol Macromol , 26 :187 , 1999
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Ref : J Biotechnol , 64 :145 , 1998
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Gene_locus related to this paper: psepu-PHAC2

Title : Sequential production of two different polyesters in the inclusion bodies of Pseudomonas oleovorans - Curley_1996_Int.J.Biol.Macromol_19_29
Author(s) : Curley JM , Lenz RW , Fuller RC
Ref : Int J Biol Macromol , 19 :29 , 1996
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Title : Plastics from bacteria and for bacteria: poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoates) as natural, biocompatible, and biodegradable polyesters - Brandl_1990_Adv.Biochem.Eng.Biotechnol_41_77
Author(s) : Brandl H , Gross RA , Lenz RW , Fuller RC
Ref : Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol , 41 :77 , 1990
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PubMedID: 2126418