Garcha HS

References (4)

Title : Locomotor activation and dopamine release produced by nicotine and isoarecolone in rats - Whiteaker_1995_Br.J.Pharmacol_116_2097
Author(s) : Whiteaker P , Garcha HS , Wonnacott S , Stolerman IP
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 116 :2097 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Whiteaker_1995_Br.J.Pharmacol_116_2097
PubMedID: 8640351

Title : Behavioural and ligand-binding studies in rats with 1-acetyl-4-methylpiperazine, a novel nicotinic agonist - Garcha_1993_Psychopharmacology.(Berl)_110_347
Author(s) : Garcha HS , Thomas P , Spivak CE , Wonnacott S , Stolerman IP
Ref : Psychopharmacology (Berl) , 110 :347 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Garcha_1993_Psychopharmacology.(Berl)_110_347
PubMedID: 7831430

Title : Drug discrimination learning in rats with excitotoxic lesions of nucleus basalis and ventral globus pallidus - Marston_1992_Behav.Brain.Res_51_93
Author(s) : Marston HM , Garcha HS , Robbins TW , Stolerman IP
Ref : Behavioural Brain Research , 51 :93 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Marston_1992_Behav.Brain.Res_51_93
PubMedID: 1482549

Title : Behavioural effects of anatoxin, a potent nicotinic agonist, in rats - Stolerman_1992_Neuropharmacol_31_311
Author(s) : Stolerman IP , Albuquerque EX , Garcha HS
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 31 :311 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Stolerman_1992_Neuropharmacol_31_311
PubMedID: 1630597