Title : Homomeric and Heteromeric Abeta Species Exist in Human Brain and CSF Regardless of Alzheimer's Disease Status and Risk Genotype - Lana_2019_Front.Mol.Neurosci_12_176 |
Author(s) : Lana E , Gellerbring A , Jung S , Nordberg A , Unger Lithner C , Darreh-Shori T |
Ref : Front Mol Neurosci , 12 :176 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lana_2019_Front.Mol.Neurosci_12_176 |
PubMedID: 31417354 |
Title : Increased Active OMI\/HTRA2 Serine Protease Displays a Positive Correlation with Cholinergic Alterations in the Alzheimer's Disease Brain - Darreh-Shori_2019_Mol.Neurobiol_56_4601 |
Author(s) : Darreh-Shori T , Rezaeianyazdi S , Lana E , Mitra S , Gellerbring A , Karami A , Bogdanovic N , Lithner CU , Winblad B , Behbahani H |
Ref : Molecular Neurobiology , 56 :4601 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Darreh-Shori_2019_Mol.Neurobiol_56_4601 |
PubMedID: 30361890 |