Gen L

References (1)

Title : The relationship of hs-CRP, vitronectin and NT-proBNP serum levels with the extent and severity of cardiac complications in patients with organophosphate pesticide poisoning - You-Gui_2022_Cell.Mol.Biol.(Noisy-le-grand)_67_232
Author(s) : You-Gui Z , Jie S , Ruo-Dong H , Yan-Hong W , Gen L , Xiu-Xia Y
Ref : Cellular & Molecular Biology (Noisy-le-grand) , 67 :232 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : You-Gui_2022_Cell.Mol.Biol.(Noisy-le-grand)_67_232
PubMedID: 35809283